Friday, January 10, 2020
8:00 pm - 10:30 pm
St. John’s United Church
Alan Turnbull is a Scottish-born troubadour and die-hard proponent of musical culture, from Beatles to Burns, from pineapples to piping.
Gareth Hurwood is an Anglo-Saxon tale-teller and an incurable ham with a passion for performance, and a commitment to credulity.
Together with Melody Benbow they formed Vancouver Island’s first West Coast Celtic ensemble Kitangus in 1995.
After a few years foray in the Foothills, Alan returned to the Island in 2016, and a storied journey from Kitangus to Black Angus found Gareth ready to re-unite.
Come hear the rekindling of fraternity in this Celtic collaboration from days gone by. With voices strong, humours good, eclectic and varied instrumentation and repertoire, the boys of Kitangus are together again!